We have developed plug and play infrastructure that is transferable to any back yard or existing homestead. Through years of trial and error, research and learning from others, we finally found reproducible successes. Let us help get you started today years ahead of where you are right now all while significantly flattening the learning curve.
On Farm Solutions
On Farm Processing Consultation
Learning to process your own livestock doesn’t have to come with the steep learning curve, and we have found that hands on experience is the best way to become proficient and effective.
We’ll come to your farm and teach you the ins and outs of the entire process. We maintain high ethical, moral and sanitary standards in each task, and will show you how to incorporate the same standard of values in your own processing setup.
We have as much and as little equipment as you need, and provide these services for pigs, sheep and chickens from live animal to packaged and in the freezer using only hand tools and knives.
Call or email for Pricing!
We have developed plug and play infrastructure that is transferable to any back yard or existing homestead. Through years of trial and error, research and learning from others, we finally found reproducible successes. Let us help get you started today years ahead of where you are right now all while significantly flattening the learning curve.
Raised Beds
We build raised beds to fit your gardening needs. The standard size is 4'x8'x18" but we will build custom beds to suit any and all needs. Whether you need something small for a balcony/patio, or large to start your backyard garden, we’ll build it. We source our lumber from a local sawmill in Fitzwilliam, NH and our metal from several small local businesses.
Priced as 4’x8’x18”
One Bed - $349
Two Beds - $649
Three Beds - $998
Four Beds - $1199
Call for more than four beds, or for custom beds. We can also add a greenhouse style covering to help start crops earlier and last longer into the fall for an extra $50 each.
Salatin Style Chicken Tractors
Chickens love grass, so why raise them in the barn? Give them a fresh salad bar every day without having to clean out an abundance of manure from your stall or run. Happy, healthy chickens… There’s nothing better.
This light, easy-to-move chicken tractor provides plenty of safety for up to 50 meat birds all while fertilizing your lawn or pasture the all natural way. Modeled after Joel Salatin’s book “Pastured Poultry Profits”, it will also assist in reducing feed costs due to grazing, and of course producing the healthiest and happiest birds you’ve ever seen right at your own home.
8’x8’x24” (includes wheels, chicken wire, door and pull rope) - $749
Mobile Egg Trailers & Coops
If you have an idea, we can build it. Whether it’s a large mobile coop on a trailer, a chicken tractor for egg layers with nesting boxes, or a stationary coop with a run, we can build your flock exactly what they need.
If you’re looking for a little advice, need a little help getting set up, or just have general questions, call us.
For most, growing food is new. We can provide the fundamentals you will need to get started. How to get started, what to expect and where you can find other vital resources to keep thriving.
Or if you’re a seasoned homesteader but are looking to set up a few new systems or are looking for some fresh ideas, we’d love to help you there as well!